Miles ahead
Nordicon Trucking AB is a Neutral domestic trucking company for the logistics and freight forwarding industry operating within Sweden. We provide tailor-made FTL, LTL and warehousing solutions according to our client's requests.
We are now in a testing phase and will go live as soon as we feel ready to present a solution that is strong and reliable.
Our clients should expect a flexible and solution-oriented domestic trucking supplier once we are live.
Reliable Solutions
We are evaluating our suppliers at this stage and once we are ready we will present reliable solutions provided by us, our sub-contractors and partners. We aim to provide the simplest and most reliable domestic trucking solution available on the market.

Take the Easy Road
Are you interested in our product?
We are more than eager to start up the work with our clients and if you are interested in us, please reach out and we will be happy to discuss what we can achieve togheter.
Take the opportunity to discuss how Nordicons neutral domestic services can benefit your business.

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday : 08:00 - 16.30
Office location
Andra Långgatan 46, 413 27 Gothenburg, Sweden
Join the team?
We are always on the lookout for new talent.
Are you a teamplayer searching for new opportunites?
Send an email to info@nordicontrucking.com
and we will get back to you!